iOS Gesture Classifier using CoreML with TouchDesigner

An example application using CoreML on iOS with TouchDesigner.    

How to build

Open Gesture Classifier.xcworkspace.   
Open Predictor.swift.
Set the idAddress of you computer and the port.    

Connect any iOS device.    
Build it.    

In TouchDesigner

Open Gesture Classifier.toe.   
Click the OSC In CHOP.   
Set the port.

Gesture classification by models

Model 1

raise both hands to the side

raise the left hand to the side

raise the right hand to the side

raise the left hand forward

raise the right hand forward

no movement

Model 2

raise the left hand to the side

raise the right hand to the side

raise the left hand forward

raise the right hand forward

no movement

Model 3

raise both hands to the side

raise the left hand to the side

raise the right hand to the side

no movement

Accuracy graphs by models

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

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